1·This is the silver lining of the sluggish market now.
2·Sales of romance novels have increased substantially in the US despite a sluggish market resulting from the economic downturn, according to US media.
3·The flower growers intended to sell their flowers at a satisfying price, but due to the sluggish market, they had to sell them at a substantial loss.
4·But it is over-reliant on the sluggish European market (especially France).
5·Experts reckon this number will keep rising for several reasons, including a sluggish jobs market and workers' growing desire for the flexibility to be able to look after parents or children.
6·It has since made a sluggish recovery, though the extent of the unemployment and gray market, combined with relatively poor law system continue to be of grave concern.
7·Sterling was overvalued; it is now falling; in time exports will respond (perhaps quite a long time, as Britain's main export market is sluggish Europe).
8·In the past, the CDS market for developed countries was sluggish, because few investors saw the need to buy or sell protection against a risk of default that seemed exceedingly remote.
9·A sluggish job market often leads to more people taking MBAs.
10·Indeed, large cuts in real wages help explain why the jobs market has hummed along in an otherwise sluggish economy.